Phone: (803)564-1050


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Bridgett Harter

Welcome to Fifth Grade!  This is my tenth year teaching ELA at Busbee Elementary School.  Many of you may know me by my maiden name, Bridgett Black.  My mother, Donna Black, also taught ELA at A. L. Corbett Middle School for many, many years.  Teaching is a passion of mine and I can't wait to share my excitement (it's contagious you know).  It is my mission to instill a love for learning in each and every one of my students.  I teach with passion because I want my students to develop a desire to become life-long learners. 

I thought you might like to know a little bit about me.  I grew up in Salley, but am now living in Springfield.  I am married to my wonderful husband, Luke.  We have a prcious, four-year old daughter, Kinsley.  I am one of the biggest Clemson fans you will ever meet, although I received a Bachelor's Degree from USC-Aiken and a Master's Degree from USC-Columbia. 


A few of my favorites:

Color: orange, purple, mint green

Season: summer, fall (football season)

Drink: water, coffee, diet dr pepper

Book: anything by Nicholas Sparks, Bible

Hobbies: reading, traveling, shopping, family time