Phone: (803)641-2470


Degrees and Certifications:

Middle level education with a focus on science and social studies.

Mrs. Alicia Parks


I teach both 7th & 8th grade Science and Proteam here at Kennedy Middle School. This will be my sixth year teaching. I completed my bachelor’s degree at the University of South Carolina in Aiken.  I am certified in both Science and Social studies. I graduated as the Middle level honor student and I was selected as first year teacher of the year for my first year of teaching. 

I have wanted to be a teacher since sixth grade. I remember being in my science class learning about gravity. We jumped off our desks yelling the acceleration of gravity. I remember thinking that I loved learning. As I grew older, I wanted to learn everything that I could. My goal as a teacher is to develop that love for learning in my students. They may not all grow up to be teachers, but I hope they all grow up with a love for learning and exploring new ideas.

I am married to an amazing husband and we have five children. My children range from 8 to 21 years of age. My oldest son just came home from the Navy. My second child is starting Aiken Tech this August. I have one kid in high school and two kids in elementary school.

Join my remind by texing @parks7gr to 81010 for 7th grade, @parks8gr for 8th grade, or @proteam23.

Tutoring is offered every Thursday from 3:30-4:00

Here is a link to my schoology page: