

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Terence Green

I am looking forward to an exciting year!  This will be my 5th year teaching at Leavelle and my 10th year teaching  8th grade Social Studies.  I have previously taught 7th and 8th grade at a charter school in Aiken for six years as well as a 4th/5th grades class that just recently graduated High School.   I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of social studies and strive to make this class relevant and important to my students not only with Social Studies knowledge but with life-long lessons they can take with them.  

I have lived in Aiken since 2004, after moving from Tampa, FL.  My wife and I have two children, a recent graduate from high scool as well as a rising 9th grader at South Aiken High.  In my spare time, I enjoy golf, hunting, cooking, reading and, most of all, hiking! I am excited about the programs I have in place and think it is going to be a fantastic year!!