Exploratory Team Overview


    The Busbee Elementary Exploratory Team consists of:

                            Art – Marcia Lee Blizzard

                            School Counselor – Alicia Bush

                            Library (Media Center) – Kalee Hiers

                            Music – Erik Rafnson

                            PE (Physical Education) – Pamela Klapko


    Elementary students receive grades in ART, Music, and PE; however, grades are not given for Counseling or in the Library.

    MS, MPS, and NMP will be used in ART, Music, and PE in grades one through five.

                            “Meeting standards” (MS)

                            “Making progress towards standards” (MPS)

                            “Not making progress towards standards” (NMP)


    The Exploratory Teachers will enter numerical grades into their PowerTeacher Gradebook and then the numerical grades entered are converted in PowerSchool to MS, MPS, and NMP. The MS, MPS and NMP grading scale has been updated in PowerSchool for the 2017-2018 school year.                       

                            MS = 100-80 (A-B)

                            MPS = 79-70 (C)

                            NMP = 69-0 (D-F)