I Am, You are, WE are AES!

    • Math Workshop 

      Our math workshop includes...

      10 minutes - Spiral review or Fluency work

      45 minutes - Teacher instruction using South Carolina State standards and curriculum 

      25 minutes - Guided Math and stations - teacher will pull groups to work on prior skills students are struggling with while the rest of the class is in stations

      5 minutes - Reflections and journal time 

    • Math Stations:


      Word Problems 

      Students will practice math-talk through creating math word problems and completing project-based math activities. 

    • Technology

      Students will use their laptops to practice math skills through programs like IXL and Dream Box.  More programs will be added throughout the year. 

    • Fluency  

      Students will use Reflex, flash cards, dice games, or domino games to practice their adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division fluency. 

    • Games 

      At this station, students will play math games independently and with partners that review math skills previously taught.  

    • Math Vocabulary 

      At this station, students will practice and complete activities with vocabulary words for the current math unit.