• Safety First Rules Information

    1) Safety First!

    “Safety is Always First!”

    2) Wear Your PPE!

    Always wear the appropriate Person Protective Equipment for the task you are doing.

    Some examples include:
    Firefighter Turnout Gear
    Safety Glasses, Leather Gloves, Hearing Protection
    Medical Gloves, Safety Glasses, Medical Mask
    Approved Reflective Vest when in or near Roads

    3) Survey the Scene!

    Always Look for Possible Dangers before you enter an area.

    4) Think Before You Act!

    It is important to “Think Before You Act!” because it is easy to get “Tunnel Vision” and do the wrong thing if you don’t “Think Before You Act”.

    5) Report faulty or broken equipment to the Instructor.

    Any faulty or broken equipment can cause injury to you or others. It is important to report any faulty or broken equipment so that that equipment can be taken out of service until it is made safe.

    6) Look Out for Others Team Members!

    We are to always be on the look out for our other team members. We might see a hazard before the other person see it. We also might be able to see if a team member is having trouble and needs help as well as your team member can do the same for you. It goes back to Rule #1: “Safety First!”

    7) Dress in safe and appropriate clothing and in accordance with the requirements of the technical programs in which they are enrolled.

    It is important to wear the appropriate clothes for the job you are doing. For example: If you are a Wielder, a swimming suit and no shoes or sandals type shoes would not be the appropriate clothing to wear if you were going to be wielding. Most likely you would experience multiple burns while doing so.

    8) Know, Understand and Follow All Safety Procedures!

    • Fire
    • Tornado
    • Earthquake
    • Other Emergencies





    Announcement of HARD LOCKDOWN means IMMEDIATE lock down of the entire facility. Faculty will be notified by administration when all is clear.

    “SOFT LOCKDOWN OR HARD LOCKDOWN” could mean there is an intruder on campus near or near campus.

    Follow the rules you will get from your Instructor and or Administration for both above conditions.



    A fire or fire drill will be signaled by a continuously short buzzing alarm. Students will exit their classroom in an orderly manner and proceed to a designated area. While at their fire drill station, students will remain as a group with their instructor, behaving in such a manner that any necessary instructions can easily be given.

    An announcement will be made to signal the end of the fire drill. Students will proceed in an orderly manner to their respective classes.

    Instructors are expected to exit with their classes, take roll to make sure all students are accounted for, remain outside with them, and return to class at the end of the drill.

    A general list of rules to be learned by each instructor concerning fire drills follows:

    1. When alarm sounds, students, at the direction of the instructor, should line up at their door.

    2. The class should proceed out of the building by the route posted for that room and the instructor should close the door leaving it unlocked.

    3. Instructors should take their roster and verify attendance.

    4. Classes should be at least 50 feet from the building.

    5. Students will always report to the class they left and remain there until instructions are given to go to the next class. This step is necessary so that
    in the event of a real emergency we would be readily able to account for all students.
    The exit route for each classroom will be posted in all rooms. Instructors will assist with physically disabled students making them aware of any special evacuation procedures required during a drill.



    Tornado Watch

    A pre-designated person will be assigned as a lookout and should have a clear unobstructed view of the total area.

    Tornado Warning

    This means that a tornado has been detected and may be approaching. The following system will be used during a tornado warning.

    When tornado warnings are issued, students and instructors should go to assigned area. Students should sit on the floor and cover head with arms or a book.



    Persons in rooms affected by falling debris take immediate DUCK and COVER action and remain in position until building tremor has ceased.

    If the evacuation signal is sounded (Signal: Continuous ringing of fire bell.) then evacuate and follow the Fire Alarm guidelines.



    Other type of possible Emergencies and the needed actions to take, will be addressed by your Instructor.