Classroom Information

  • 2023-24 Modified Year-Round School Year Calendar:

    2023-24 ACPSD Modified Year-Round Calendar (PDF)

    • Please note, the School Year Calendar is subject to change. The Aiken County Board of Education will finalize any decision for necessary updates throughout the school year, and changes that are made will be shared on and the District's social media outlets. 

    3rd Grade ELA:

    Third grade is a very big and important year for ELA! JDL 3rd grade students will be learning and applying several new reading, writing, and grammar skills as well as reviewing and reinforcing foundational skills revolving around phonics and fluency. JD Lever facilitates reading instruction through the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Reading Program (HMH). HMH Into Reading for Grade 3 implements foundational skills, vocabulary words and concepts, fluency strategies, reading skills, and grammar conventions into instruction on a daily basis. In addition, the program weaves social-emotional learning into each module, with stories and discussion prompts that align with each one. This is a huge focus of mine in my reading instruction, and I am looking forward to learning and growing with your students!

    Behavior and Communication:

    In my classroom, students will be working collaboratively and independently to become stronger readers and leaders! We will follow JDL's new PBIS Behavior System to encourage, reinforce, and praise positive behaviors. Announcements will be made through Class Dojo as well as in mine and my team teacher's shared newsletters that will be sent home with students weekly. Graded papers will go home biweekly in yellow folders that should be signed and returned to school. Homework and study guides will be found in students' take-home folders. If you need to contact me, please feel free to reach out through email or Class Dojo!

Classroom Schedule

Daily Schedule