• Gunter Schedule 2023-24

    7:20 unpack/bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands) /book baskets (sharing, waiting and taking turns, taking care of and engaging properly with books)

    7:45  eat breakfast (working on adaptive skills, social skills, waiting our turn, taking turns, and language skills)

    8:15 Smartboard- good morning songs, color, shape, month and day of the week songs/bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands)

     group at rug for calendar/morning message/social skills lesson (Move this World)  and Story time

    8:45-9:10 move to table groups 1&2 (rotating) ELA or Journals/fine motor skills or math

    9:40 Centers Bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands)

    10:00 Recess or center 2  Bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands)

     wash hands/ snack (working on adaptive skills, social skills, waiting our turn, taking turns, and language skills) / get student folders ready

    10:22 3&4k am gr clean up and pack up for the bus/car

    cleaning surfaces

    10:35 pm gr arrive/go to bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands)-unpack-look at books-snack (working on adaptive skills, social skills, waiting our turn, taking turns, and language skills)                                                                                            

    10:45  Lunch

    11:45--2:30  Resource

    computer/ 5k /1st & 2nd gr                                         

     Go to groups (rotating) tables for ELA/Math/computers

    2:30 pack up/bathroom (working on toileting skills and washing hands) /closure and wrap up work/snack                                                             

    2:43 line up to leave for the bus


  • songs and stories -- youtube.com

    Story Line=    storyline.net

    SPARK by EPCI=     https://www.getepic.com/learn/freeremotestudentaccess/

    Splash Learn=    

    Teacher Your Monster to Read=    

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