• South Carolina initiated School Improvement Councils (SIC) through legislation as a means of restoring the influential voice of parents and community members in public education. Each public school in South Carolina has a SIC that is responsible for planning, monitoring, and evaluating improvement at the school level.

    Membership of the School Improvement Council includes three parents, three members appointed by the principal, and three teachers selected by the faculty. The Council makes a study of the school program and submits a report through the County Board to the State Department of Education. The report is prepared annually and indicates areas in which improvements are needed.

    2022/2023 Members:
    Katie Duke (parent) katiedelucasduke@gmail.com 

    Rhett Sherman (teacher) rsherman@acpsd.net

    Candace Small (teacher and chair) csmall@acpsd.net 

    Erin Tindle (parent) etindle@acpsd.net 

    Mike Mattero (community) mike@victorybc.com 

    Michelle Stevens (community) msdrew13@hotmail.com 

    Selecia Hardy (Ad-hoc/Principal) shardy@acpsd.net 

    Elizabeth Rabb (Ad-hoc / Assistant Principal) erabb@acpsd.net 

    Ashley Miller (Ad-hoc / PTO President) apg21@vt.edu