Welcome to the Hammond Hill Elementary Ai Support page.  As well as current Ai information, you will find links to HHE Ai teacher web pages. If you need to submit a support ticket or need other district Ai information, please use the link to the district AIKEN iNNOVATE website.



    Rural Health Services (RHS) located at 1000 Clyburn Pl, Aiken, SC has partnered with your child's school to provide dental and medical services on the Clyburn Community Health Express Mobile Unit during school hours. One benefit of the program is that your child will only be out of the classroom 30-45 minutes instead of 1/2 or full day when they visit the dentist or doctor outside of school.  English Rural Health Enrollment Form MD

    Los Servicios de Salud Rural (RHS), ubicados en 1000 Clyburn Pl, Aiken, SC se han asociado con la escuela de su hijo para ofrecer servicios dentales y médicos en la unidad móvil Clyburn Community Health Express durante las horas escolares. Uno de los beneficios del programa es que su hijo sólo saldrá de la escuela para 30-45 minutos en vez de un medio día o un día completo que toma cuando visita al dentista o al médico fuera de la escuela.  Spanish Rural Health Enrollment Form MD