Phone: 803-442-6170


Degrees and Certifications:

National Board Certified - Exceptional Needs Specialist Bachelor of Education - SUNY Geneseo Master of Education with an emphasis on Mathematics - University of South Carolina Certified in Elementary Education, Special Education, Mild Mental Disabilities

Mrs. Sarah Emerling


I'm excited to be co-teaching a fifth grade class with Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Leon Guerrero, a fourth grade class with Ms. Nealious and Mrs. Patterson and a third grade class with Ms. Harrell, Mrs. Prince, and Ms. Wilhite this year.

What exactly is co-teaching?

Co-teaching is a model of education that places two certified teachers in the same room, teaching the same students. This model allows all students to have access to two highly-qualified teachers and provides an environment where all students can remain in the classroom, instead of being pulled out of the room for various services. I will spend about an hour and a half each day with each co-taught class, teaching both reading and math. This model allows for more hands-on activities and small group instruction. We will also be incorporating new technologies and working in digital notebooks.  The teachers and I will plan and teach lessons together. I’ll also be sending messages with Schoology and email.

 Who is Mrs. Emerling?

I’m starting my 23rd year of teaching. I am originally from Rochester, New York, but moved down here just after college to begin my teaching career. I hold certification in both special education and elementary education and I have a Master’s Degree in Math Education. I’m also Nationally Board Certified. My husband teaches English at North Augusta High School and we have two children. Our daughter attends Hammond Hill and our son is at NAHS. I love reading, traveling, and cooking.

I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. If you ever have any questions about co-teaching or about what we’re doing in class, please don’t hesitate to email me. I’m looking forward to a great year.