MackinVia - ebooks, databases!

Posted by Lisa Chapman on 4/16/2020

In a little bit of bright side to our current stay at home situation, many digital publishers have offered amazing resources to K-12 schools for free through the summer!  MackinVia has been adding publisher resources like crazy and they can all be found by clicking the MackinVia logo below. You will need to enter our school name and use the username:  bele  I can't publish the password here, but I'll give you a hint - our school mascot.  If the hint isn't enough, send me an email at and I will send it directly to you!! I would love to hear from you, and I am more than happy to schedule a Zoom meeting with any student or class during office hours!

You can find:

  • Over 5,000 eBooks
  • Databases:
    • Lightbox
    • Abdo Zoom
    • EyeDiscover
    • TeachingBooks
    • AVWorld Languages (Books on wide subjects that can be read in English, Mandarin, Spanish, or other languages)

 MackinVia offers Ereader apps for both Apple and Android devices, check out your app store and search MackinVia.