• Screening Notification


    This is to notify parents of the screening programs within the Aiken County Public Schools. The area of screening and students to be screened include:

    • Speech/Language – Students who have been referred to the Speech Therapist by parent, teacher, or administrator, and all students who are new to our district will be screened upon parental permission. The areas of screening will focus on one or more of the following: Oral Motor Examination, Voice, Fluency, Articulation and Receptive, Expressive and/or Pragmatic Language Skills. Referrals may be submitted to the Speech Therapist at any time during the school year.
    • Hearing – All 4K, kindergarten, first, third, and fifth grade students, new students, referrals, and high risk students who have medical problems associated with hearing impairment or who failed the re-screening the previous year.
    • Vision – All 4K, kindergarten, first, third, and fifth grade students.

    The goal is to identify those students in the above areas so that immediate action/intervention is implemented. Parents will be notified if a student is recommended for further evaluation in speech/language. If a student fails the hearing or vision re-screening, parents will receive a letter.