1. Arrival/ Dismissal Time -  Students can enter the room no earlier than  7:00 and the late bell will be 7:30. School will be dismissing at 2:30 this year. 
    2. Breakfast/Lunch -  Breakfast and lunch will be free for ALL students this year.  Breakfast will be served from 7:00-7:25.
    3. Car Line- All students leaving by car will be picked up in the new car line. Everyone MUST have a car tag or you will be directed to the office. Last year’s car tag can be used, as well. 
    4. Tardies- 5th grade student that are tardy need to report to the office first for a tardy pass, then come to the classroom.
    5. Medicine- ALL MEDICATION (cough drops, aspirin, prescriptions, etc.) MUST HAVE A DOCTOR’S NOTE.  The nurse will be sending home a note about this policy soon.
    6. Absences-Students who are absent MUST bring a note explaining why upon returning to school. Please do your best to keep absences and tardies to a minimum.  Students are also expected to watch the video in the Absent folder for that day in order to make up their work. 
    7. Transportation Issues- Please try to keep the number of changes in transportation to a minimum for your child.  We want to ensure their safety in getting home. However, if it does change, we must receive a written note.
    8. Walkers- Walkers MUST fill out a form for permission to walk home.
    9. Recess- Please do not bring any toys, card games, etc from home.  If they are lost or damaged, HHE is not responsible for them and we prefer for them to stay home.
    10. ClassTag- Please join and check our communication app each day for special updates, reminders, test dates, etc.  

      Thank you for your consideration and help,

      The Fifth Grade Teachers