Aiken High PTSO

AHS grads

  • The Aiken High PTSO (Parent/Teacher/Student/Organization) helps to provide the supplies, support, and spirit needed to enhance the education offered at Aiken High School. We develop projects and activities that encourage participation by students and their parents. Fundraising and memberships help pay for monthly teacher appreciation activities, grants for teachers with classroom needs, and scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors. Please consider becoming a member today.  

    2023-2024 PTSO Officers & Committee Chairs

    President: Heather Thurmond

    Vice President:  April Flowers

    Secretary: Cheryl Anaclerio

    Treasurer: Sandra Hill

    Teacher Appreciation: Jennifer Parrott


    To join the PTSO, please download the form HERE, and submit a completed membership form to the PTSO Box in the Main office. Make checks payable to AHS PTSO.

    Please contact with any questions.