Phone: 803-663-4320


Degrees and Certifications:

Early Childhood Education Elementary Education

Mrs. Carissa Taylor

Welcome! I am excited to be teaching Kindergarten at Byrd Elementary this year. I attended Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN where I received a degree in Elementary Education and also met my husband, Patrick. This is my 13th year of teaching, and I have taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade. Kindergarten is one of my favorite grades to teach! Patrick is originally from Graniteville and attended Byrd as a child. I am proud to be teaching in his hometown. When I'm not at school, I enjoy reading, going to the movies, shopping, making crafts, participating in church activities, and hanging out with my husband and 2 cats.

I love learning, and I hope that your child will see how enjoyable learning can be this year! I expect my students to be prepared for the day, try their best, and work hard. We have lots of fun along the way! 

This year our class will be using Class Dojo to track our behavior. This program allows us to assign points for great behavior. I can also send reminders, messages, and photos to keep you informed. Please let me know if you need help getting started with Class Dojo!

Please contact me at, on Class Dojo, by calling the school at 803-663-4320, or with a note in your child's folder. I look forward to hearing from you and helping in any way that I can. Thank you for your support!