• Welcome to Kindergarten!

    My name is Mrs. Dooley. I am excited to be your child’s kindergarten teacher this year. I graduated from Augusta State University in 2013. I am currently working on my master’s degree at Augusta University in Educational Leadership. This is my first year at Byrd Elementary, but it is my ninth year teaching. I have taught first grade, fifth grade, 6th and 7th grade math, Math 180, and personal finance. I enjoy teaching all subjects, but math is my favorite. My husband, Logan, and I have two boys, Jace (3.5 years old) and Wade (2 years old). I enjoy spending time with my family, camping, flamingos, going to the mountains and beach, and watching Georgia football.

    Ms. Lisa Lewis is the paraprofessional in our classroom this year. She has been a paraprofessional for 23 years and also drives a bus. Ms. Lisa has two children. Her daughter attends Aiken Technical College, and her son attends Midland Valley High School.



              Each student has a folder that will be sent home every day. This folder will be for weekly communication. Any notes, important information, or sign-up sheets will go home in the folder. Usually the majority of classroom or school-wide communication will go home on Monday. Please remove all papers from the folder and send it back to school the next day. This folder will also be used for homework. Please make sure to have your child complete their homework each day. Folders will stay at school over the weekend since there is no homework on the weekends.


    Classroom Behavior

    In class, we love to encourage positive behaviors! There are behaviors that are expected for every student in class, but I am always on the lookout for students going above and beyond my expectations. There will be recognition in class and school behavior parties for those students who have great behavior.

    In our classroom, we will be using Class Dojo and Byrd Bucks to track our behavior. In Class Dojo, students will be awarded points for good behavior. Points can be redeemed for special activities or prizes. You can log in to Class Dojo and keep track of your child’s behavior. I will also use Class Dojo as another form of communication to send you reminders and photos. Your child may also receive Byrd Bucks for good behavior from any adult in the building. Byrd Bucks may be redeemed for special prizes and be entered into our schoolwide weekly and monthly prize drawings.

    Schoolwide Rules and Expectations

    • Show self control.
    • Take responsibility.
    • Always do my best.
    • Respect myself and others.
    • Solve problems peacefully.


    Other Information

    • Everything your child needs for the day must easily fit inside your child’s backpack.
    • No toys are allowed at school unless specified by the teacher. Valuable items should be left at home.
    • We are 5 and 6 years old, and that means things get lost, messy, and broken. Please remember this when dressing and preparing for school each day!
    • Please make sure your child has an extra change of clothes including socks to leave in their book bag in case of an emergency. A cheap pair of shoes to keep in there is not a bad idea either.
    • Make sure your child always has a coat/jacket for cooler weather. It is a good idea to label these and any other personal belongings.
    • Treats may be brought in for birthdays. Please talk to me in advance to make arrangements for this.
    • If your child will be going home a different way than they normally do, I must have a note.
    • Students may bring a water bottle labeled with their name. We can refill these at school, but we will not be able to use the water fountains this year.
    • Students are welcome to wear a mask, but they are not required to do so. Please have a talk with your child and remind them to keep it on and not play with it. If it becomes a distraction, we will ask them to put it away for the day.