Phone: (803) 641-2474


Degrees and Certifications:

BS-Child and Early Adolescent Psychology MA-Elementary Education Diplome-French Language STEM Certification-USCA

Ms. Suzie Muller


Welcome to 4th grade! My name is Suzie Muller. I am excited to be teaching your student math and science this year! This is my twentieth year teaching and I am looking forward to a year filled with lots of learning and fun! The best way to reach me is through my email If you would like to schedule a conference, please email me or call the school to set up a time that works best for you.

Contact information:


Phone: 803-641-2474

Facts about the teacher

Bachelor's of Science Child and Early Adolescent Psychology degree High Point University

Master's of Arts Elementary Education degree Salem College

Diplome de Langue Practique Francaise L'Universite de Lumier a Lyon II

STEM Certification University of South Carolina Aiken

Mother of 3: 2 daughters and 1 son. Ages 12, 9, and 7.

19+ years teaching experience throughtout North Carolina, France, Colorado, and South Carolina.