• Bus Transportation Procedures

    Bus transportation is provided for any student living 1.5 miles or more from our school.  Riding the bus is a privilege.  However, if rules are not followed, it is a privilege that can and will be revoked.  Ms. Sharon Harris, the Bus Transportation Supervisor, will be happy to discuss any concerns with you.  She may be reached by phone at Aiken High School at 803-641-2507 during the school day. 

    Some examples of misbehavior on the school bus are:

    Standing/moving while the bus is in motion

    Putting head or arms outside the bus window

    Horse playing or fighting

    Making unusually loud noises

    Using profanity or making obscene gestures

    Throwing litter on the floor of the bus

    Damaging bus property


    The standard consequences for breaking the rules are:

    First offense:        Written warning
    Second offense:    Final warning
    Third offense:        1 day bus suspension
    Fourth offense:      3 day bus suspension
    Fifth offense:         5 day bus suspension
    Sixth offense:       10 day bus suspension
    Seventh offense:  Suspended from bus the remainder of school year


    The consequences may be more stringent based upon the severity of the violation.  Each time a student receives a bus disciplinary report, the parent must sign and return it to school.  Offenses are cumulative.  For further information, please refer to the Code of Student Conduct.