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Grandfathering Defined

If the Aiken County School Board approves a recommendation to move students who live in the Trolley Run Station neighborhood from Midland Valley area schools in Area 3 to Aiken area schools in Area 1, the students could finish in the school building in which they started.

Students who elect to stay, however, would have to provide their own transportation.

Dr. Sean Alford, superintendent of Aiken County Public Schools, defined “grandfathering” the students at their current schools Monday at a town hall meeting at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School.

“Current students who have already begun school in a school building may elect to stay where they are until the final grade (fifth, eighth, 12th) in that building. Transportation is not provided to 'grandfathered' students," he said. "Upon reaching the final grade in the school, the student follows the regular path (middle/high) to which he or she is properly zoned.”

Under the recommendation, students who live in Trolley Run and now attend Byrd Elementary, Leavelle McCampbell Middle and Midland Valley High schools in Area 3 would attend Aiken Elementary; Aiken Middle for sixth grade, if the School Board approves an intermediate school for sixth-graders only in the Aiken area; Schofield Middle; and Aiken High.

“Geographically, it's a good move,” Alford said. “Demographically, it's a good move to create comprehensive balance across the school district. It's an appropriate move."

Many students who live in Trolley Run already attend schools outside of their attendance zone, Alford said.

Of the 39 high school students, 25 attend Midland Valley High; 12 attend Aiken High, the proposed new in-zone school; one attends South Aiken High; and one attends Silver Bluff High.

“Many of the students, because it's geographically closer to Aiken High School, have already made the decision to attend school there,” Alford said.

Of the 28 middle school students, 25 attend Leavelle McCampbell Middle in their current zone, and three attend Schofield Middle in the proposed new zone.

Of the 82 elementary school students, 62 attend Byrd Elementary in their zone; seven attend Aiken Elementary in the proposed new zone; two attend Chukker Creek Elementary; two attend East Aiken School of the Arts; and one each attends Gloverville, Greendale, Hammond Hill, J.D. Lever, Jefferson, Millbrook, North Aiken, North Augusta and Warrenville elementarys.

Students could apply to transfer back to Area 3 if space allows, Alford said.

Moving the Trolley Run students to Aiken schools also would help alleviate overcrowding in Area 3 schools and provide space for continued expected growth at the new Leavelle McCampbell Middle School in Graniteville, Alford said.

Based on an external report, Area 3 currently is more than 100 percent utilization in elementary and high school populations, and new seats are needed due to current capacity and anticipated growth, Alford said.

Story by Larry Wood, The Aiken Standard

Photo by Cindy Kubovic

November 12, 2017

Larry Wood, The Aiken Standard