• Thinking about college? We know you have a lot of options, and you may have plenty of questions as well! Author Annie Reneau has created a great list entitled "Ten Things a Teen Needs to Think About Before They Choose a College" that is a wonderful resource. Check out the full article on GrownandFlown.com by clicking . 

    There are so many considerations to keep in mind when choosing what college or university to attend, it can be hard to keep it all straight. Many students and parents start by narrowing down schools by academic offerings and then scheduling college visits to their top choices. But there are many things to consider beyond classes and campuses.

    We asked our  what they wish they had explored when their students were searching for the right school and compiled their responses.

    Choosing a college is a major decision and here are 10 things that students need to consider, first. (Twenty20 @amyquinlan16)