Technology Support Information

  • To ensure prompt and appropriate levels of support are provided at each school site, the following guidelines are offered for the reporting process.


    Contact: Don Pencille/Shawn Chandler

    A request is classified as an emergency if one of the following occurs: Scheduled deadlines for mission critical reports may be affected by the problem event. Report Cards, student schedules, transcripts, attendance reporting, district accounting software that is not operational from site location, grades, or the entire network is down are examples of such events.
    A request should be reported as an emergency only with the approval of the administrative staff at the school (ie the principal). A designated contact initiates by email or phone.

    Routine Support & Repair
    Contact: Your Area Technology Support Specialist ( List)/ Michelle Everhart

    A request is classified as routine/general when existing hardware and/or software is not functioning properly or installation of single workstations and/or software is needed.
    To ensure prompt and appropriate levels of support are provided at each school site for routine support and repair, each request should be reported on the Educational Technology Department's  The originator of the request reports closure on request by signing off on a work order.

    Contact: Charles Boese/Tim Knighten/Greg Roundtree

    A request is classified as network support when the entire school network is down, whole sections of the school building cannot connect to the network or internet, specific networking application software will not function at all on the file server, ex. PowerSchool, Accelerator Reader, etc. A designated contact is initiated by phone.