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Microsoft Office 365

Five Free Copies of Microsoft Office 365 for Personal Use

Windows PC or Macintosh:

  1. Log into your home computer/device on which you wish to install the software.
  2. Log into your district e-mail account (
  3. Look near the top-right corner of the window.  You’ll see a little gear (settings).  Click on that and choose “Office 365” under “Your app settings” at the bottom of the menu.  You may have to click “Options” before you can see the “Office 365 section.”
  4. Along the left side, you’ll see an “Install status” button.  Click that and then the “Install desktop applications” link.  It will guide you step-by-step through instructions to install.

Tablet or Smartphone:

  1. Download apps for Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, or other Microsoft programs in your device’s app store.
  2. Open the app.  It will ask you to login.  Use your district e-mail credentials.

The free Office 365 is good year-round. It works on any modern (if the operating system is up to date) Windows PC, Macintosh, or Windows/Android/iOS tablet or smartphone. 

NOTE: When you retire or leave the District, the Office 365 copies will stop working. Please keep that in mind!